Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gallien and the Police

He figured the benefit Chris would receive from the trip to the ranger station wouldn't be worth the trip. How is the ranger supposed to know what to do? Why would he even care? If he went up to check on McCandless then McCandless would just tell him to fuck off. Gallien probably just didn't think it was worth it. It could have saved his life, sure, if the Ranger continued to visit McCandless. But the Ranger could easily just think "I sure got better things to do than help this kid out in the middle of nowhere." And being from the lower 48, you have to ak yourself "what is there to do in Healy, ALASKA!?" Yeah, I don't know either. Personally, I would have done the same thing. I wondered if I would have gone to visit, though. Like, check up on him on the way home to Fairbanks instead of asking a ranger to do it.

I also wonder why no one went to the bus while McCandless was there. Summer time in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness has to attract more than just some crazy kid looking for himself.


  1. I never thought of the ranger checking up on Chris every now and then and just leaving him out there. But now that I do think about it I'm sure that's pretty logical. It wouldn't be worth the ranger's time to argue with Chris for him to go home, and I definitely don't think Chris would give in and go with the ranger. Also, it's Chris's decision to be out there and he's allowed to be there so the most the ranger could do is try and give him advice so I'm not sure it would be much help anyways.
    As for other people finding Chris, I wonder if anyone did find him but were too scared to go into the bus or to tell anyone.

  2. The trip to the ranger's station would not really have proved beneficial to either of them, I agree. Still, I am not entirely sure whether Gallien wanted to do a check on Alex after he dropped him off in the wilderness. True, it would have been a wise thing to do and the noble thing to do, but Gallien's intuition told him that Alex would be fine, despite him being very unprepared.

  3. It is Chris's decision to go out there, and I highly doubt the ranger would give any help, but I think the ranger station being aware of Chris going into the wild would have been a good idea. Gallien could have informed them what Chris's intentions were and went on about his business, possibly leading to the survival of McCandless. Needless to say, Chris wouldn't have wanted that, but then again he probably didn't want to die either.
