Friday, February 19, 2010


Well. I listen to John Mayer a lot. Dave Matthews Band, too. Counting Crows here and there.
When I'm listening to John Mayer I can't help but say "you are correct, Mr. Mayer." His song "83" isn't his best (at all), but I like the idea of things going back to the way they were when I was 6. That is when you are really you. What you did when you were 6 carries through to now. "plot a course to the source of the/ purest littel part of me." I would agree.

Then there's this from New Deep with a completely different message: "deep will only bring you down/ you know, I used to be the back/ porch poet with my book of rhymes/ always open knowing all the time I'm probably/ never going to find the perfect rhyme/ for 'heavier things'." Life is complicated, take it easy. You can try to figure out if or why there is a god. But there is no point.

If I were to write this on another day I would write about something else. That's the thing about music. When your mood changes, you connect (or whatever) with other songs. It is a beautiful thing.


  1. I totally agree how songs can hit you a different way depending on your mood. Some songs are there when you need them, or there to exemplify your mood. Everyone loves Dave Matthews so there's no arguing with that, and I too like Counting Crows. My family always listens to them so it always reminds me of home. I went to a Counting Crows/Goo Goo Dolls concert awhile back and they're pretty good live too which is a plus. John Mayer is another good one that the majority of people like, but I don't listen to him as much as when he first came out.
    The idea that when you 6 you are who you "really" are is interesing. I never thought of that, but it kind of makes sense because when your that younng you have no worries and form your own opinions on things. Your thoughts and actions are not influenced by other people/the media as much as when your older.

  2. I listen to various music depending on my mood, as kristen has already said. It seems like you have a good taste in music. John Mayer is pretty good in my opinion. I haven't specifically heard the song "83" but it appears to be a good one with the message it gives off. Most of us just act like ourselves when we are younger, but as time goes along we change to someone we want to be or just to satisfy others.

    As for the New Deep part, I agree that life is complicated. We all are trying to find ourselves and what we want to do with our lives. Why do you say that there's no point in finding out certain things? I'm just curious. At least for me, you spend your whole life searching for yourself and people you love.

  3. Well Jon. I try to think about why things happen so much I foget to just live my life sometimes. I don't mean do like Jim Carey in Yes Man, but there has to be a balance. I think that was the message of Yes Man? You do have to think about things. But thinking about why god exists of why you love the people you usually results in a "just cuz." And if you really believe in God or really love someone that should be good enough. I don't really know why I am talking about God.

  4. Finally, a song I've heard of. This song is very good, both the beat and message. I really like how you connected it and talked about it's influence on you as well. You noted that your choice of music changes from day to day, this is completely true for me as well. Some days you need some John Mayer, some days you need some Eminem.
